Monday, December 3, 2012

New Perspectives..

The past few weeks have been about letting go of the old and today as I woke up in my cozy home, I got to step into a whole new world. 

I have to admit, I woke up tired! I have been pushin peddle to the metal for two solid weeks. I gave myself the morning off and enjoyed my body being still. It was a nice gift to just lay and imagine all the boxes emptied, everything in it's place. The tasks will get done, all in good time. Today's perspective, is that I am realistic about my limits and deeply sense what is right for me in the moment. 

I feel so blessed by this perspective and pray that each and every step along the way is as conscious as this moment. I know that this turning point in my life is evidence of my faith and determination. I step with the fullest confidence that life will continue to astound me!


  1. mmmm! I hear your gratitude and connection Florence. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Opening myself to stay in this space is hard sometimes. Creating a non-profit from the ground up has challenged my whole sense of self. It keeps me humble and seeing how much I need to connect to others in our city. A blessed adventure for sure!
